Java Sax Schema Validation Example

In this article, i am going to use the Swing for the UI purpose and for the XML validation against its schema i will use DOM parser as well as SAX Parser. previously we have already seen that how these parsers works in detail.

Application output will look like below snap:

Input Screen - XML Schema Validation in JAVA Using DOM and SAX Parser
Input Screen - XML Schema Validation in JAVA Using DOM and SAX Parser

How to validate using DOM Parser :

  • Create instance of "DocumentBuilderFactory".
  • Set validation true.
  • Set two attributes for schema language and schema source in factory instance.
  • Create instance of "DocumentBuilder" from factory and parse.
  • Check validateUsingDOM() method in below code.

How to validate using SAX Parser:

  • Create instance of "SAXParserFactory".
  • Set validation true.
  • Create instance of "SAXParser" from factory object.
  • Set two property for schema language and schema source in parser instance and parse.
  • Check validateUsingSAX() method in below code.

Complete code:

package com.g2.XML;  import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import; import;  import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;  import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;  public class DOMXMLSchemaValidator {  	private JFrame frame; 	private JTextField txtXSDName; 	private final Action action = new SwingAction(); 	private JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); 	JTextArea txtResult = new JTextArea();  	private JTextField txtXMLName; 	private JButton btnValidateUsingDom; 	private JButton btnValidateUsingSax; 	private JButton btnDisplayActualError; 	private String errorMsg; 	private JScrollPane scrollPane;  	/** 	 * Launch the application. 	 */ 	public static void main(String[] args) { 		EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 			public void run() { 				try { 					DOMXMLSchemaValidator window = new DOMXMLSchemaValidator(); 					window.frame.setVisible(true); 				} catch (Exception e) { 					e.printStackTrace(); 				} 			} 		}); 	}  	/** 	 * Create the application. 	 */ 	public DOMXMLSchemaValidator() { 		initialize(); 	}  	/** 	 * Initialize the contents of the frame. 	 */ 	private void initialize() { 		ApplicationActions btnActions = ApplicationActions();  		frame = new JFrame("XML Schema Validator using DOM Parser"); 		frame.getContentPane().setBackground( Color.LIGHT_GRAY); 		frame.setBounds(100, 100, 492, 300); 		frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 		frame.getContentPane().setLayout(null);  		JButton btnSelectXsdFile = new JButton("Select XSD File"); 		btnSelectXsdFile.setAction(action); 		btnSelectXsdFile.setBounds(327, 11, 127, 23); 		frame.getContentPane().add(btnSelectXsdFile);  		txtXSDName = new JTextField(); 		txtXSDName.setBounds(10, 12, 298, 23); 		frame.getContentPane().add(txtXSDName); 		txtXSDName.setColumns(10);  		txtXMLName = new JTextField(); 		txtXMLName.setColumns(10); 		txtXMLName.setBounds(10, 46, 298, 23); 		frame.getContentPane().add(txtXMLName);  		JButton btnSelectXmlFile = new JButton("Select XML File"); 		btnSelectXmlFile.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {  			@Override 			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { 				txtResult.setBackground(Color.ORANGE); 				int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(frame); 				if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { 					File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); 					txtXMLName.setText(file.getPath()); 				}  			} 		}); 		btnSelectXmlFile.setBounds(327, 45, 127, 23); 		btnSelectXmlFile.addActionListener(btnActions); 		frame.getContentPane().add(btnSelectXmlFile);  		btnValidateUsingDom = new JButton("Validate Using DOM"); 		btnValidateUsingDom.setBounds(50, 93, 172, 23); 		btnValidateUsingDom.addActionListener(new ApplicationActions()); 		frame.getContentPane().add(btnValidateUsingDom);  		btnValidateUsingSax = new JButton("Validate Using SAX"); 		btnValidateUsingSax.setBounds(262, 93, 164, 23); 		frame.getContentPane().add(btnValidateUsingSax); 		btnValidateUsingSax.addActionListener(new ApplicationActions());  		scrollPane = new JScrollPane(); 		scrollPane.setBounds(10, 161, 464, 112); 		frame.getContentPane().add(scrollPane); 		scrollPane.setViewportView(txtResult);  		txtResult.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 13)); 		txtResult.setBackground(Color.ORANGE);  		btnDisplayActualError = new JButton("Display Actual Error"); 		btnDisplayActualError.setBounds(148, 127, 154, 23); 		frame.getContentPane().add(btnDisplayActualError); 		btnDisplayActualError.setVisible(false); 		btnDisplayActualError.addActionListener(new ApplicationActions());  	}  	private void validateUsingDOM() { 		errorMsg = ""; 		DocumentBuilderFactory DF = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); 		DF.setValidating(true);  		DF.setAttribute( 				" properties/schemaLanguage", 				"");  		DF.setAttribute(" properties/schemaSource", 				txtXSDName.getText()); 		try { 			DocumentBuilder DB = DF.newDocumentBuilder(); 			DB.parse(txtXMLName.getText()); 			styleTextBox(false, null); 		} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} catch (SAXException e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} catch (IOException e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} catch (Exception e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		}  	}  	private void styleTextBox(boolean isError, Throwable t) { 		if (isError) { 			btnDisplayActualError.setVisible(true); 			txtResult.setBackground(Color.RED); 			txtResult 					.setText("Document is not validated or Some error occured"); 			if (t != null) { 				getStackTrace(t); 			} 		} else { 			txtResult.setBackground(Color.GREEN); 			txtResult.setText("Validation Success..."); 		} 	}  	public void getStackTrace(Throwable aThrowable) { 		Writer result = new StringWriter(); 		PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(result); 		aThrowable.printStackTrace(printWriter); 		errorMsg = result.toString(); 	}  	private void validateUsingSAX() { 		SAXParserFactory SF = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); 		SF.setValidating(true);  		SAXParser SP; 		try { 			SP = SF.newSAXParser(); 			SP.setProperty( 					" properties/schemaLanguage", 					""); 			SP.setProperty( 					" properties/schemaSource", 					txtXSDName.getText()); 			SP.parse(new File(txtXMLName.getText()), new DefaultHandler()); 			styleTextBox(false, null); 		} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} catch (SAXException e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} catch (IOException e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} catch (Exception e) { 			styleTextBox(true, e); 		} 	}  	private class SwingAction extends AbstractAction { 		public SwingAction() { 			putValue(NAME, "Select XSD File"); 			putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Select XML schema file present on local disc"); 		}  		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 			txtResult.setBackground(Color.ORANGE); 			if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Select XSD File")) { 				int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(frame); 				if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { 					File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); 					txtXSDName.setText(file.getPath()); 				} 			} 		} 	}  	private class ApplicationActions implements ActionListener {  		@Override 		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { 			if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Validate Using DOM")) { 				if (validateControls()) { 					validateUsingDOM(); 				} 			} else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Display Actual Error")) { 				txtResult.setText(errorMsg); 			} else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Validate Using SAX")) { 				if (validateControls()) 					validateUsingSAX(); 			}  		}  		private boolean validateControls() { 			boolean retVal = true; 			if (txtXMLName.getText().trim().equals("")) { 				txtXMLName.setBackground(Color.RED); 				txtXMLName.setText("Required field"); 				retVal = false; 			} 			if (txtXSDName.getText().trim().equals("")) { 				txtXSDName.setBackground(Color.RED); 				txtXSDName.setText("Required field"); 				retVal = false; 			} 			return retVal; 		}  	} }              

1. Validation succeeded

Validation Success - XML Schema Validation in JAVA Using DOM and SAX Parser
Validation Success - XML Schema Validation in JAVA Using DOM and SAX Parser

2. Validation failed

Validation Fail - XML Schema Validation in JAVA Using DOM and SAX Parser
Validation Fail - XML Schema Validation in JAVA Using DOM and SAX Parser

Sample XSD (Schema) document:

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">   <xsd:element name="cricket" type="CricketType" />    <xsd:complexType name="CricketType">     <xsd:sequence>       <xsd:element name="team" type="TeamType" maxOccurs="unbounded" />     </xsd:sequence>   </xsd:complexType>    <xsd:complexType name="TeamType">     <xsd:sequence>       <xsd:element name="player" type="PlayerType" maxOccurs="16" minOccurs="1" />     </xsd:sequence>     <xsd:attribute name="country" type="xsd:string" use="required" />   </xsd:complexType>    <xsd:complexType name="PlayerType">     <xsd:sequence>       <xsd:element name="player-name" type="xsd:string" />       <xsd:element name="total-runs" type="xsd:positiveInteger" />       <xsd:element name="no-of-100s" type="xsd:positiveInteger" />       <xsd:element name="no-of-50s" type="xsd:positiveInteger" />     </xsd:sequence>   </xsd:complexType>  </xsd:schema>              

Sample XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <cricket xmlns:xsi="">   <team country="India">     <player>       <player-name>Player1</player-name>       <total-runs>10000</total-runs>       <no-of-100s>30</no-of-100s>       <no-of-50s>70</no-of-50s>     </player>     <player>       <player-name>Player2</player-name>       <total-runs>1000</total-runs>       <no-of-100s>1</no-of-100s>       <no-of-50s>3</no-of-50s>     </player>     <player>       <player-name>Player3</player-name>       <total-runs>6443</total-runs>       <no-of-100s>12</no-of-100s>       <no-of-50s>23</no-of-50s>     </player>   </Team>    <team country="Australia">     <player>       <player-name>Aussie Player1</player-name>       <total-runs>10000</total-runs>       <no-of-100s>30</no-of-100s>       <no-of-50s>70</no-of-50s>     </player>     <player>       <player-name>Aussie  Player2</player-name>       <total-runs>1000</total-runs>       <no-of-100s>1</no-of-100s>       <no-of-50s>3</no-of-50s>     </player>     <player>       <player-name>Aussie Player3</player-name>       <total-runs>6443</total-runs>       <no-of-100s>12</no-of-100s>       <no-of-50s>23</no-of-50s>     </player>   </team> </cricket>      


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